Maintain Healthy and Youthful Hands with True Glow Heated Hand Mitts

Maintain Healthy and Youthful Hands with True Glow Heated Hand Mitts
Photographed By: SLAYTINA
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Maintain Healthy and Youthful Hands with True Glow Heated Hand Mitts

Are you tired of dry, rough hands that make you feel older than you really are? Do you wish there was an easy and effective way to maintain soft, youthful-looking hands? Look no further than True Glow Heated Hand Mitts by Conair.

With these innovative thermal spa mitts, you can transform your hands in just minutes. Say goodbye to dull and lifeless skin, and hello to irresistibly smooth and supple hands.

The True Glow Heated Hand Mitts feature advanced heating technology that gently warms your hands, allowing your favorite lotions and creams to penetrate deeply and nourish your skin. The cozy mitts also help to improve blood circulation, promoting a healthy glow from within.

Whether you want to pamper yourself after a long day or prepare your hands for a special event, True Glow Heated Hand Mitts are the perfect solution. So why wait? Let's dive into the step-by-step guide and discover the secrets to maintaining healthy and youthful hands with these amazing beauty mitts.

True Glow by Conair Thermal Spa Heated Beauty Hand Mitts|Image 1
Glowing Heat Therapy for Beautiful Hands - True Glow by Conair Thermal Spa Heated Beauty Hand Mitts
True Glow by Conair Thermal Spa Heated Beauty Hand Mitts
$35.10 $26.00
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About This Product

Indulge in a luxurious spa treatment right in the comfort of your own home with the True Glow by Conair Thermal Spa Heated Beauty Hand Mitts. These innovative hand mitts are designed to provide a soothing and relaxing experience for your hands. With the use of gentle heat, these mitts help to open up your pores and increase blood circulation, leaving your hands feeling soft, smooth, and rejuvenated. The adjustable temperature control allows you to customize your experience, while the soft fabric interior ensures comfort throughout your treatment. Whether you're looking to pamper yourself or give the gift of relaxation to someone special, these heated hand mitts are the perfect addition to your beauty routine.


To properly prepare the True Glow Heated Hand Mitts for use, you'll need to follow a few simple steps. These steps ensure that the mitts are fully charged and warmed, ready to provide a soothing and rejuvenating experience for your hands. Here's what you need to do:

  • First, locate the charging port on the True Glow Heated Hand Mitts. It is usually located on the side or bottom of the mitts.
  • Once you've found the charging port, connect the included charging cable. Ensure that it is securely connected to both the mitts and a power source, such as a wall outlet or a USB port on your computer.
  • Allow the True Glow Heated Hand Mitts to charge for the recommended amount of time. This can vary depending on the specific model, so be sure to consult the user manual for the exact charging time.
  • While the mitts are charging, you can also prepare them for use by warming them up. To do this, simply place the mitts in the microwave for a short period of time. Be sure to follow the instructions provided with the mitts, as over-warming can lead to discomfort or damage.
  • After the mitts have finished charging and warming, carefully remove them from the charging cable and microwave. Check the temperature of the mitts to ensure they are warm, but not too hot.

By following these simple preparation steps, you can ensure that your True Glow Heated Hand Mitts are fully charged and warmed, ready to provide you with a luxurious and relaxing hand treatment. Now that you are prepared, you can move on to the next step and enjoy the benefits of using the True Glow Heated Hand Mitts.

Setting Up

To maintain healthy and youthful hands, the True Glow Heated Hand Mitts by Conair Thermal Spa are the perfect solution. These mitts provide a soothing, heated treatment to your hands, helping to moisturize and rejuvenate your skin. Follow these step-by-step instructions to properly set up and use the True Glow Heated Hand Mitts.

Step 1: Adjusting Temperature Settings

  • Before using the mitts, ensure that they are unplugged and switched off.
  • Locate the temperature control panel on the mitts and set it to your desired heat level.
  • There are two temperature settings available: low and high. Choose the setting that feels most comfortable for you.
  • Once you have set the temperature, allow the mitts to heat up for a few minutes before putting them on.

Step 2: Securing the Mitts

  • Open the mitts and insert your hands into each one, ensuring that your fingers fit comfortably into the designated spaces.
  • Fasten the mitts securely around your wrists using the adjustable straps provided. Make sure they are snug but not too tight, allowing for proper blood circulation.
  • Once the mitts are properly secured, switch on the power button and let the soothing heat envelop your hands.

Using the True Glow Heated Hand Mitts regularly can effectively improve the appearance and health of your hands. The heat helps to open up your pores and enhance the absorption of moisturizers, leaving your skin feeling soft and smooth. Say goodbye to dry, rough hands and keep them looking youthful and beautiful with the True Glow Heated Hand Mitts.

  • Regular use of the mitts can improve blood circulation in your hands.
  • The heated treatment helps to alleviate stiffness and discomfort in the hands.
  • Pairing the mitts with your favorite hand cream or lotion can enhance the benefits.

Using the Timer

When it comes to maintaining healthy and youthful hands, the True Glow Heated Hand Mitts by Conair are a game-changer. These heated beauty hand mitts provide a soothing and rejuvenating experience, promoting blood circulation and leaving your hands feeling soft and supple. To make the most of this beneficial treatment, it is important to utilize the built-in timer feature effectively. Here's how:

  • First, ensure that the True Glow Heated Hand Mitts are properly connected to a power source.
  • Place your hands inside the mitts, ensuring a comfortable fit.
  • Locate the timer control on the mitts, usually found on the side or front.
  • Set the timer to your desired duration. It is recommended to start with 10-15 minutes for each session.
  • Once the timer is set, relax and enjoy the warming sensation as the mitts work their magic.
  • During the session, you may choose to gently massage your hands for enhanced relaxation and better product absorption.
  • Remember to follow any additional safety precautions mentioned in the manufacturer's instructions.
  • After the recommended duration, the mitts will automatically turn off, indicating the end of your session.

The True Glow Heated Hand Mitts provide a convenient and safe way to enjoy the benefits of a professional hand treatment in the comfort of your own home. Regular use, following the recommended duration for each session, can help maintain the health and youthfulness of your hands. So why wait? Treat yourself to a pampering session and indulge in the luxurious experience that True Glow Heated Hand Mitts provide.

  • Always check the manufacturer's instructions for any specific guidelines or limitations.
  • Consult a healthcare professional if you have any underlying medical conditions or concerns.
  • Do not exceed the recommended duration for each session to avoid any potential discomfort or adverse effects.
  • Store the True Glow Heated Hand Mitts in a cool and dry place when not in use, to ensure their longevity.

Applying Moisturizer

Before using the True Glow Heated Hand Mitts, it is essential to properly prepare your hands by applying a moisturizer. Moisturizing your hands not only helps to keep them healthy and youthful, but it also enhances the benefits of using the heated hand mitts. Below, we will detail the process of applying moisturizing products onto your hands, highlight the benefits, and recommend some suitable products for you to try.

1. Choose a Suitable Hand Moisturizer

When selecting a moisturizer for your hands, it is important to choose one that is specifically formulated for the hands, as they have unique needs compared to other parts of the body. Look for moisturizers that contain nourishing ingredients such as shea butter, glycerin, or ceramides. Some recommended hand moisturizers to consider are:

  • Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Hand Cream: This hand cream is enriched with oatmeal to provide intense hydration and protect your hands from dryness. Its non-greasy formula is perfect for daily use.
  • Neutrogena Norwegian Formula Hand Cream: This highly concentrated hand cream relieves dryness and helps to heal even the most severe cases of dry hands. It absorbs quickly, leaving your hands feeling soft and smooth.
  • CeraVe Therapeutic Hand Cream: Formulated with hyaluronic acid and ceramides, this hand cream provides long-lasting hydration and helps restore the skin's natural barrier, making it an excellent choice for dry and sensitive hands.

2. Cleanse Your Hands

Before applying any moisturizer, make sure to cleanse your hands thoroughly to remove any dirt or impurities. This step ensures that the moisturizer can penetrate deeply into your skin, maximizing its effectiveness.

3. Apply the Moisturizer

After cleansing, take a generous amount of the chosen hand moisturizer and apply it to your hands. Follow these steps for best results:

  • Start by massaging the moisturizer onto the back of your hands, using gentle circular motions.
  • Continue to work the moisturizer into your fingers, focusing on each individual finger and the spaces in between.
  • Next, massage the moisturizer into your palms, paying extra attention to any rough or dry areas.
  • Be sure to apply the moisturizer to your wrists as well, as they often get neglected but still require hydration.

4. Reapply as Needed

It is important to note that moisturizing your hands is not a one-time solution. To maintain healthy and youthful-looking hands, it is recommended to moisturize them regularly throughout the day. Reapply the hand moisturizer as needed, especially after washing your hands or when you feel that your skin is becoming dry.

  • For an extra nourishing boost, consider applying a thicker layer of moisturizer before bedtime. Slip on a pair of cotton gloves overnight to lock in the moisture, allowing the moisturizer to work its magic while you sleep.
  • Remember, consistency is key when it comes to maintaining the health and youthfulness of your hands.

Warming Massage

The True Glow Heated Hand Mitts by Conair Thermal Spa not only provide warmth and comfort for your hands, but they also offer a soothing warming massage function that can help relieve tension and promote relaxation. To activate the warming massage feature and enjoy its benefits, follow these simple steps:

  • Start by inserting your hands into the plush, soft mitts, making sure to position your fingers comfortably.
  • Locate the power button on the control pad, which is conveniently located on the top of the mitts for easy access.
  • Press the power button to turn on the heating and massage function. The mitts will begin to warm up, gradually reaching a comfortable temperature.
  • Once the mitts have reached the desired temperature, you can choose from the different massage options available:
    • Constant Massage: This mode provides a continuous warming massage that soothes the hands and helps relieve tension and fatigue.
    • Pulse Massage: This mode offers a pulsating massage sensation, which can be invigorating and help increase blood circulation.
    • Alternating Massage: In this mode, the mitts alternate between warm and cold sensations, providing a refreshing and revitalizing massage experience.
  • To change between the massage modes, simply press the massage button on the control pad until you find the desired option.
  • Continue enjoying the warming massage for as long as you desire, allowing the gentle heat and soothing vibrations to relax and rejuvenate your hands.
  • After your massage session, it is recommended to turn off the mitts by pressing the power button, and then carefully remove your hands from the warm, cozy mitts.

With the True Glow Heated Hand Mitts, you can easily and conveniently enjoy a warming massage experience in the comfort of your own home. These mitts are designed to help maintain healthy and youthful hands by providing the benefits of warmth, relaxation, and massage. So, indulge in a luxurious spa-like experience for your hands and pamper yourself with the True Glow Heated Hand Mitts by Conair Thermal Spa.

Safety Guidelines

When using the True Glow Heated Hand Mitts by Conair, it is important to prioritize safety to ensure a pleasant and effective experience. By following these comprehensive guidelines, you can maintain healthy and youthful hands without any potential risks or accidents:

  • Always read and follow the instructions provided with the True Glow Heated Hand Mitts to ensure safe and proper usage.
  • Before using the product, inspect the mitts for any signs of damage or wear. If there are any tears, frayed wires, or other visible defects, do not use the mitts to avoid any potential electric shock or burns.
  • Ensure that your hands are clean and dry before using the heated hand mitts. This will prevent any contamination and maximize the effectiveness of the treatment.
  • Do not use the True Glow Heated Hand Mitts if you have any open wounds, cuts, or blisters on your hands, as the heat may cause further injury or infection.
  • Avoid using the heated mitts if you have impaired sensitivity or circulation in your hands, as it may be more difficult for you to detect any discomfort or excessive heat.
  • Never leave the True Glow Heated Hand Mitts unattended while in use. Always monitor the mitts to prevent any accidental fires or injuries.
  • Do not use the heated mitts while sleeping or if you are feeling drowsy, as you may not be able to effectively monitor the mitts while in these states.
  • Limit the usage time according to the manufacturer's instructions. Prolonged exposure to heat may cause skin irritation or burns.
  • After each use, allow the mitts to cool down completely before storing or cleaning. Do not roll or fold the mitts while they are still hot, as this may damage the internal heating elements.

By adhering to these safety guidelines, you can enjoy the True Glow Heated Hand Mitts by Conair with peace of mind, knowing that you are taking proper precautions to maintain the health and youthfulness of your hands.

  • Avoid using the mitts if you have any known skin allergies or sensitivities to heat.
  • Consult with your healthcare provider if you have any underlying medical conditions before using the heated hand mitts.

Cleaning and Storage

Proper maintenance and care of your True Glow Heated Hand Mitts are essential to ensure their longevity and effectiveness in keeping your hands healthy and youthful. To maintain these beauty essentials, follow these simple steps for cleaning and storage:


  • Before cleaning the True Glow Heated Hand Mitts, always make sure they are unplugged and cooled down to avoid any accidents or damage.
  • Start by gently wiping the surface of the mitts with a soft, damp cloth to remove any dirt or residue.
  • For a deeper clean, you can use a mild soap or gentle detergent mixed with warm water.
  • Take a clean cloth or sponge, dip it into the soapy solution, and gently scrub the surface of the mitts.
  • Rinse the mitts thoroughly with clean water to remove any soap residue.
  • Avoid submerging the mitts in water or placing them under running water, as this can damage the heating element.
  • Gently pat dry the mitts with a clean towel or cloth. Allow them to air dry completely before storing.


  • Store your True Glow Heated Hand Mitts in a clean, dry place away from direct sunlight and moisture to prevent any damage or discoloration.
  • Make sure the mitts are completely dry before storing them to avoid the growth of mold or mildew.
  • Winding the power cord neatly around the mitts helps to keep everything organized and prevents any tangling or damage.
  • Consider using the original box or a dedicated storage bag to protect the mitts from dust and potential impacts.
  • Always store the mitts in a secure place where they won't be crushed or accidentally damaged.

By following these cleaning and storage guidelines, you can ensure that your True Glow Heated Hand Mitts stay in excellent condition, prolonging their lifespan and helping you maintain the health and youthfulness of your hands for years to come.

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Additional Benefits

While the True Glow Heated Hand Mitts are primarily designed to maintain healthy and youthful hands by rejuvenating the skin, they offer several additional benefits beyond hand rejuvenation. These heated beauty hand mitts can be used for various purposes, providing relief and improving the overall condition of your hands.

  • Relief for Arthritis Symptoms: The True Glow Heated Hand Mitts can be incredibly beneficial for individuals suffering from arthritis. The gentle heat emitted by the mitts can help alleviate pain and stiffness commonly associated with arthritis. The warmth generated by the mitts can effectively soothe the joints in your hands, offering much-needed relief and improved mobility.
  • Improved Circulation: Using True Glow Heated Hand Mitts can also help improve circulation in your hands. The heat from the mitts helps dilate blood vessels, enhancing blood flow to your hands. This increased circulation can be particularly useful if you frequently experience cold hands, as it promotes warmth and reduces the risk of numbness or tingling sensations.
  • Enhanced Moisturization: The heat generated by these hand mitts helps open up the pores, allowing for better absorption of hand creams and moisturizers. By using the mitts along with your favorite moisturizing products, you can maximize their effectiveness and deeply nourish your hands. Regular use of the mitts in combination with moisturizers can help keep your hands soft, smooth, and hydrated.

Overall, the True Glow Heated Hand Mitts provide not only hand rejuvenation but also relief for arthritis symptoms, improved circulation, and enhanced moisturization. These additional benefits make them a versatile tool for maintaining healthy and youthful hands.


If you are encountering any issues while using the True Glow Heated Hand Mitts, here are some troubleshooting tips to help you maintain healthy and youthful hands:

1. Uneven Heat Distribution

If you are noticing that the heat is not evenly distributed across the mitts, try the following solutions:

  • Ensure that the mitts are properly placed on your hands and are covering them completely.
  • Massage your hands gently while wearing the mitts to encourage better circulation and heat distribution.
  • Rotate the mitts halfway through the recommended treatment time to ensure that both hands receive equal heating.

2. Malfunctioning Controls

If the controls on your True Glow Heated Hand Mitts are not functioning properly, try these troubleshooting steps:

  • Check the batteries in the mitts' control panel and make sure they are inserted correctly.
  • Replace the batteries if they are low or depleted.
  • Ensure that the control panel is securely connected to the mitts and there are no loose or damaged wires.
  • If the issue persists, contact customer support for further assistance and guidance.

By following these troubleshooting tips, you can overcome common issues and maintain the effectiveness of your True Glow Heated Hand Mitts. Remember to always read the user manual for additional troubleshooting steps and proper usage instructions.

  • Regularly clean the mitts according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  • Allow the mitts to cool down completely before storing them to prolong their lifespan.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do the True Glow Heated Hand Mitts work?

The True Glow Heated Hand Mitts by Conair Thermal Spa use advanced thermal technology to provide soothing warmth and hydration to your hands. The mitts are designed with a heating element that evenly distributes heat, stimulating blood circulation and encouraging the absorption of moisturizers or lotions. The gentle heat helps to relieve dryness, roughness, and discomfort, leaving your hands feeling soft, smooth, and rejuvenated.

Q: How long should I use the True Glow Heated Hand Mitts?

For optimal results, it is recommended to use the True Glow Heated Hand Mitts for around 15-20 minutes per session. This duration allows the heat to penetrate deep into the skin and effectively moisturize and nourish your hands. However, you can adjust the usage time based on your personal preference and needs. It is important to always follow the instructions provided with the product.

Q: Can I use my own moisturizer or lotion with the True Glow Heated Hand Mitts?

Yes, you can certainly use your preferred moisturizer or lotion with the True Glow Heated Hand Mitts. In fact, applying a rich, nourishing cream or lotion before using the mitts can enhance the benefits. The gentle heat from the mitts helps to open up the pores, allowing the moisturizer or lotion to deeply penetrate the skin and provide maximum hydration. Remember to choose a moisturizer or lotion that is suitable for your skin type and needs.

Q: Are the True Glow Heated Hand Mitts safe to use?

Yes, the True Glow Heated Hand Mitts are considered safe to use when used according to the instructions provided. The mitts are equipped with a built-in safety feature that automatically shuts off the heat after a specific time to prevent overheating or potential burning. However, it is always important to use caution and avoid putting excessive pressure on the heating element. Additionally, if you have any pre-existing skin conditions or sensitivities, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before using the product.

  • Additional Tips:
    • Always check the temperature of the mitts before use to ensure they are not too hot.
    • Do not use the mitts while they are plugged in or charging.
    • Avoid using the mitts on broken or irritated skin.
    • After each use, allow the mitts to cool down before storing.

Why We Chose This Product

So why did we choose True Glow by Conair Thermal Spa Heated Beauty Hand Mitts to help you maintain healthy and youthful hands? Let us break it down for you:

  • Effective and efficient: These heated hand mitts are designed to provide a gentle and soothing warmth that helps increase blood circulation, penetrate moisturizers deeper into your skin, and promote overall hand wellness. With just 3 minutes of use, you can enjoy the benefits of a luxurious spa treatment, right in the comfort of your own home.
  • Convenient and versatile: True Glow by Conair Thermal Spa Heated Beauty Hand Mitts are designed for easy use. They feature a one-size-fits-all design, making them suitable for everyone. The adjustable strap ensures a secure and comfortable fit, while the quick heat-up time allows for instant relaxation. Plus, these mitts can be used with any hand cream, lotion, or oil of your choice, giving you the flexibility to customize your skincare routine.
True Glow by Conair Thermal Spa Heated Beauty Hand Mitts|Image 1
Glowing Heat Therapy for Beautiful Hands - True Glow by Conair Thermal Spa Heated Beauty Hand Mitts
True Glow by Conair Thermal Spa Heated Beauty Hand Mitts
$35.10 $26.00
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About This Product

Indulge in a luxurious spa treatment right in the comfort of your own home with the True Glow by Conair Thermal Spa Heated Beauty Hand Mitts. These innovative hand mitts are designed to provide a soothing and relaxing experience for your hands. With the use of gentle heat, these mitts help to open up your pores and increase blood circulation, leaving your hands feeling soft, smooth, and rejuvenated. The adjustable temperature control allows you to customize your experience, while the soft fabric interior ensures comfort throughout your treatment. Whether you're looking to pamper yourself or give the gift of relaxation to someone special, these heated hand mitts are the perfect addition to your beauty routine.

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